Diet Reviews

Finding the right diet is not an easy thing. For starters, it’s a billion dollar industry and the possibilities are endless. Then there are always the many health risks associated with different types of diets to consider. The sad part, so little of these actually work, and if you find one that works it’s not to say that you will able to stick to it either.

I’ve put together a review of some of the most popular diets out there.

Note however, and you will find this note at the bottom of every diet, that I do not endorse any diets and most certainly not those that promise “quick fixes” or diets that restrict certain food groups for long periods of time. In fact, according to research and my own experience, these diets are extremely dangerous for a person with food addiction and can even push you further into eating disorders.

I believe God has a specific food program for each of us in our particular season, and that a well balanced program and especially one that has good support in place, can play a big role in our journey to freedom. However, in the end all of these programs are merely tools. We still need to work with the Holy Spirit to remove idols from our hearts (the idol of food/food abstinence, and the idol of wanting to be thin at all cost),  and help us break destructive habits that we let into our lives over a period of time.

Here are a few reviews for you to take a look at:

The Sonoma Diet

Realilty TV Diets such as The Biggest Loser

Jenny Craig vs Nutrisystem

Slim fast and Special K diets

Atkins Diet

South Beach Diet

The Six Week Body Makeover

Weight Watchers

Meal Replacements: Medi-fast

Energy Drinks and Bars

First Place 4 Health


You can get help for yourself or a loved one through my 12 Week Online Study Course. I’ve compiled this course from my own experience with food struggles, insight and understanding I’ve gained through counseling ladies in my support groups, Biblical principals, as well as material I’ve gathered by well-known Christian authors, counselors, and doctors. This study is jam-packed with information, practical guide lines and honest testimonies.

Click on the image below to learn more about the 12 Week Online Program

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