How to Stop Bulimia: Bulimia Recovery
By Heleen Woest
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How to stop bulimia: Come read my story
I’m a woman, mom and wife, just like you and I am still amazed that God helped me get out of eating disorders such bulimia, binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating.
I know about hating yourself for the purging and hating everything associated with it. I also know about the fear of giving it up: fear of spiraling out of control, fear of out of control eating and out of control weight gain.
I also know that those fears are not irrational. For someone with bulimia these fears are valid, because you actually will overeat at first and probably gain weight too. So I had to find a way to get beyond those fears. I had to find out where exactly to interrupt this cycle, because once I got to the purging phase, it was too late. With God’s help, the right treatment and asking for support, I walked away from Bulimia and haven’t looked back now for many years.
When I was healed from bulimia, I still struggled with binge eating, but I wanted to help other ladies break away from bulimia, while I was still searching for more answers. I started support groups for other women with Eating Disorders and facilitated these for many years.
After observing these ladies for many years, and going through the struggle of eating disorders myself, I came to the conclusion that: NOTHING will EVER really change if we don’t deal with a few MAJOR THINGS ONCE AND FOR ALL. I found plenty of research and professional opinions to confirm that there is no other way to deal with eating disorders except through the “whole person approach” and off course a lot of support and encouragement. No amount of will-power will do it!
How to stop bulimia:
You can get help for yourself or a loved one through my 12 Week Online Study Course. I’ve compiled this course from my own experience with food struggles, insight and understanding I’ve gained through counseling ladies in my support groups, Biblical principals, as well as material I’ve gathered by well-known Christian authors, counselors, and doctors. This study is jam-packed with information, practical guide lines and honest testimonies.
People die daily from eating disorders, come find out how to stop binge eating.
Click on the image below to learn more about the 12 Week Online Program
Read my story. Click on the image below to download my ebook for free